Let’s Bowl, Let’s Bowl, Let’s Rock and Roll

Today, we went BOWLING.

By “we,” I mean my class. My class of cherubic 4 and 5 year olds with autism and poor impulse control.

I am very very proud to say that only one child made a run for it down the bowling lane. And I didn’t fall on my butt chasing him. One child dropped the bowling ball and fell about 5 times, narrowly missing his toes every single time. And one child spent every other second pushing all the buttons on the consul that we had been told not to push, as well as the ball return/reset button.

By the way, did you know that if you push the reset button while someone is bowling (and by “bowling” here, I mean pushing a ball so that it takes 8000 years and 400 gray hairs sprouting from my head before it gets down to the pins), the ball has a very good chance of actively bouncing off of the barrier that comes down..and actually come back down the lane to you? You didn’t? You should try it next time. Maybe just to see the bowler’s face when they turn back around to look at the lane to see the ball rolling to a stop at their feet.

That said, it was a very good field trip. I measure the goodness of a field trip by how many parents go (2 moms, 1 dad, 1 grandma, 1 aunt), and how hard the cherubs sleep afterwards (OUT LIKE ROCKS).


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