Three OH!


Who’s birthday?


How old is he?

1. brandus went back to school to get his elementery education certification
2. he currently has a 4.0.
3. im really proud of him
4. he (almost) always wears a ball cap.
5. he likes loud tshirts. preferably things with flames.
6. he loves bad horror movies, and is working on owning all the Jason movies
7. he loves spicy foods
8. he puts tabasco sauce on EVERYTHING.
9. including mac and cheese and biscuits and gravy
10.he wants to get his PhD someday
11.but he hasnt decided on the exact program of study yet
12.he has told me he will support me in whatever i want to do.
13.he was ASKED, specifically, by a professor, to teach gifted and talented kids a couple of weekends.
14.he was very giddy when he told me., jumping up and down giddy. was very cute.
17.he hasnt yet started reading Half Blood Prince.
18.but keeps trying to surprise me into accidently dropping plot stuff. hasnt worked.
20.he loves embarassing me in public. waving at people we dont know.
22.or yelling things out of the window at people.
23.he owns (and wears) a kilt. my parents disbelief, this is not my fault.
25.he also owns a sword.
26.he likes to carry the sword around when he is wearing the kilt.
27.really, he picked the kilt out all by himself.
28.he likes cute in it though.
29.a tall bald man in a kilt, carrying a broadsword that is nearly as tall as i am.
30.we went to the Faire today to celebrate.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRANDUS! I hope it was fabulous (regardless of the weird guy downstairs), and that you enjoyed your homemade double decker cookie cake! (seriously, this thing is HUGE. and HEAVY.)

Seriously, you people have got to stop getting older. thinking of this many things about someone is HARD.

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