Three Touches

Last night was my very first class of irish step dancing. And it was two and a half hours long..

I was exhausted, sweaty, smelly, and limping when I walked out of there last night, but i had such an awesome time.

Ive been dancing since I was 5 or 6. Both of my sisters and myself started ballet when we were little. I started jazz a few years later, and tap when I was 8.

Tap was my favorite, cause it was LOUD. Seriously, thats why i started it. the loudness.

I gave up on ballet when i was 12, but i kept tap and jazz until i graduated from high school. I only kept jazz, because i wasnt allowed on the competition team with just tap. i had to do both.

Along the way, i competed in several competitions (mostly group..i think i only did 2 solos competitively), gave myself arthritis in the knees, and won a dance scholarship (for my dance school, not college).

i LOVE dance.

except when its really cold and my knees ache, but thats another story.

And so yes, when i saw an advertisement for Riverdance, i was intrigued. When we rented it, i loved it (except for whatshisname, he was an ass), and when we had the chance, we saw it in person.

Ever since, ive wanted to learn how to step dance. It takes my favorite things about tap, LOUD and rhythm and overwhelmingly cool, and adds being from Ireland, which just makes it BETTER.

But we live in Cowtown, Colorado, and no one nearby teaches it.

But a school performed at the People’s Fair last month, and my brain turned on. I wibbled and questioned and thought about it, until brandus finally told me to get off my ass and go take classes.

Its good to be dancing again.

Even if i have to drive an hour each way to get there.

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