Single Parent Panic

This will be Voldemort and I’s first Christmas without V’s dad.

I was doing fine with this idea – we have plans to go out of town to visit my sister and her family so it wouldn’t be too weird with just the two of us at home. We still went to The Nutcracker. We have the tree up and decorated.

But then I was contemplating how I’m going to pick up the big present the kiddo is getting, and now I’m worried I don’t have enough presents for them.

Like, I love the IDEA of the “Something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read,” but the dad has always gone above and beyond to ridiculous degrees, and now I can’t figure out if I need to find more things for the kid or if I’m over reacting and everything will be fine, or if I should just say “Fuck it” and tell my kid we’re converting to whatever stupid Seinfeld religion involves Festivus.

I think this year I might do well at the Airing of Grievances.

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