
1. RE: two tails and spread ’em – It’s not just me. Buzzfeed has questions about the Starbucks logo, too.

2. Arm still attached. Still doesn’t look quite right, but I keep slathering antibacterial stuff on it, so I’m hoping for the best. If it still hurts Monday, I guess I should probably go see the doc.

3. My kid lost ANOTHER tooth. The Tooth Fairy is low on funds, people.

4. I can’t remember how we got on to the topic, but Voldemort didn’t believe me when I said that Ms Piggy sang Kermit a love song when they were babies.

So I had to prove it.

5. We’re going roller skating yet again tomorrow. Making something like 8 times in 3 months. I’m getting better – the first two times were super shaky and involved a lot of “THIS WAS SO EASY WHEN I WAS A KID,” but now I’m up and moving pretty well so long as I don’t have anyone too close by me. I tense up when that happens. I’ve only fallen once, and it was when I was trying to get back off the skating floor to obtain free pizza.

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