
I’m having one of those days where everything just feels a little mixed up.

Like, I forgot to eat dinner.

Completely spaced it. I fed the kid. Had kid feed animals. Didn’t feed myself.

I was looking for my glasses and muttered “keys, keys, keys,” to myself, even though my keys and my glasses look nothing alike.

Also, my keys were on my face.

..that was a completely inadvertent typo – I know my keys don’t go on my face – but I’m leaving it to accurately depict whatever the hell is going on in brainfog land today.

Going with my usual lack of transition from anything to whatever, the whole red cup Starbucks thing.

Oddly, I’ve seen about 800 posts mocking it and whatever..but not one single actual post about people actually being upset about the cups being war on Christmas-y*. This prompted me to take a closer look at the Starbucks logo and..what the actual fuck is going on here?


I always thought it was some mermaid thing, but..why does she have two tails – one on either side of her head? What is she doing? How is she doing it? She looks zen – very yoga, maybe, and the flexibility would make sense there. Is she a stripper in the middle of a performance and is spreading her legs during her dance? WHAT IS GOING ON?

Vaguely relatedly, I took a Dunkin Donuts reusable cup I got for free at blogher this year or last into Starbucks and ordered a grande iced chai latte. Grande because that’s what I could afford, even though the cup is significantly larger.

I ended up with significantly more chai than ordered, which was something I was not at all displeased to discover.

I have more stream of consciousness to share, but I’m about to faceplant into my keyboard, so instead I’ll let you know that my arm might fall off due to the dog scaring the cat while cat was laying on my arm. Big ow to crease of elbow. Possibly dying. Send chocolate.

*I’ll keep the Christ in Christmas when you keep the Thor in Thursday, asshole.

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