Only a Small Disaster

***I wrote this last night and somehow it saved as draft instead of publishing. I’m still counting it as on the right day, so there!**

Day 2 of daily blogging and I am typing this on my phone in my bed with the lights off, because I was about to snuggle down into my ergonomic pillow and drift away to sleep but then I remembered that I hadn’t posted yet.

So here you go. Please excuse typos; tiny keyboards are hard. As are Mondays. This Monday was full of excitement!

I lost my water bottle- somewhere INSIDE the house! I baked muffins! I re-dyed too light jeans in the bathtub AND didn’t stain the bathtub forever! My life is also full of excitement!

I didn’t teach! Because I am subbing this year – with my classroom closing and getting divorced I just didn’t have the energy or brain cells to worry about working full time.

Subbing doesn’t make much money, but my stress level is so much lower that I generally don’t worry about it too much. Not until I have to pay bills anyway..

But I don’t go in early or stay late. I don’t spend my lunch break writing IEPS. I don’t have to suffer through pointless professional development or get evaluated on how well a three year old understands my daily learning objectives.

I go in. I teach. I learn kids’ names..or not, some days. I read or write during planning time. Then I go home.

I have energy. I have time. I have some quiet in my own head.

And for right now, that’s what I need.

NaBloPoMo November 2015

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