Valentine’s Wish List

I love to read the articles that proclaim, “What She Really Wants for Valentine’s Day!”

in all honesty, they make me laugh.

for the record, I think Valentines is a pretty stupid holiday. you want to celebrate love? fabulous. but my life is not over if i dont get exactly what the media celebrates as “What She Really Wants!”

Now, i have my issues, we all know this. but Valentines is one of those issues. i dont do well with mush. never have. drove my ex, the Fish, absolutely crazy.

he was a sap. he wanted to do the roses, the romantic dinner by candlelight, the big hearts full of chocolate…


i have a thing about roses. no, really. dont give them to me. ever. unless you’re my dad, or you actually went out and cut one from the bush outside. do not BUY me roses. i like roses. they’re very pretty. but they freak me out.

and dont ask about my thing about hotel rooms. romantic getaways? not unless you know ahead of time that we will be spending very little time in the hotel. just..dont ask.

dinner? hell yes, but you will have a very hard time getting me into a resturant on Valentines. take out? great! resturant?

and those nasty gourmet chocolate heart things? eww. buy me a bag of kisses with almonds, and we’ll talk.

why do i have these problems? cause Valentine’s Day is special. and to show your woman how special she is, youre going to take her out to dinner, give her roses and chocolate hearts, and then sweep her away for a romantic getaway..just like every other guy in the world is doing.

give me something different!

brandus and i rented Casablanca and stayed home last year. he gave me a big construction paper valentine that he made himself, and filled it with strips of paper that said a bunch of reasons why he loved me. he cooked dinner for me (although he did arrange the couscous in heart cookie cutters), and served me a dessert he made himself, dripping with chocolate and strawberries.

it was much better than that other boring stuff.

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