
there was driving, avoidance of skiing, parental bonding, a massage, a cookie cake, fireworks, food, condo touring and the soundtrack of buffy, the musical.

arent you glad you asked?

currently, i am sitting and watching “Who Wants to Marry Ryan Banks?” on ABC Family, and seriously regretting that we will no longer have extended cable on wednesday. especially cause i just saw the trailer for the next ABC fam cheesy movie…”Celeste in the City”..starring Majandra Delfino. MAJANDRA. damnit! i love her!

maybe i can get krispy to tape it for me..i think she gets cable in the dorm. and it wont be coming on until march..and we’re getting together in february to watch season 1 of Roswell on DVD.

Majandra! Candy! The Woozle!

i refuse to explain any of those..

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