Nerf Ball to the Head

When I was in college, a hypnotist came to do a show. For a change, I wasn’t backstage (I was a theater geek, and we got pulled into all kinds of backstage crew), and attended with a few friends. It was designed to be funny, and the hypnotist pulled a whole bunch of people up on stage and assigned them various weird things to do – cluck like chickens whenever he said a specific phrase, look for their own butts in different seats, etc – the usual hilarious things you would do to people while they were hypnotized.

My personal favorite was a guy he told had lost his brain. The hypnotist put a bright neon nerf brain down on the ground, pointed at it and said, “there’s your brain!” Poor dude spent a good five minutes trying to shove his brain back into his head through his forehead while the audience shrieked with laughter. At one point, the hypnotist removed the brain so he could move on with his show, and poor brainless guy went and found it and continued trying to shove it into his head.

I kind feel like poor brainless guy recently. Hopelessly trying to find my brain and shove it back into my head.

I have no reason to feel this way, really, but by the end of the work day, my poor little nerf brain is rolling around somewhere on the floor and I’m lucky to be able to locate my car in the parking lot and point food towards my mouth before shoving the child into pjs and falling into my own bed.

I think I need more caffeine.

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