
Thursday was this year’s last day with kids. It wasn’t as thrilling as it usually is, because I ended up having to stay home with a feverish, coughing, Voldermort on Tuesday and Wednesday. So it was a bit anticlimactic. Plus, trying to say goodbye to my kiddos is hard. Not because I’ll miss them, although I will miss the two who are going on to kindergarten, but because I’m never sure what they understand.

Do they know they won’t see me anymore? Do they understand what summer is? Or did they wake up yesterday completely off routine because the bus didn’t come?

Do I celebrate surviving the year with my sanity mostly intact? Or do I start to stress about next year – with dealing with the crazy lady in charge, and with knowing I’m already starting the year with 5 kids, and the possibility of my aide not coming back?

Decisions, decisions.

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