Five More Days Before I Get My Brain Back

Friday morning, the alarm went off, and I, in the muzziness of sleep, asked Brandus, “Is it Saturday?”

He said, (and he claims he laughed because he thought I was joking) “Yes, it’s Saturday.”

I sighed happily, and rolled back over to go back to sleep.

At which point he said, “Hey, can you take the boy today? I have a meeting.”

“Take him where?”

“To school!”


That was bad enough. Having your Saturday stolen from you like that is a nasty shock.

But then this morning occurred.

I sat up and vaguely registered that the clock said 6:20am. I lay back down, and thought for a second. I distinctly remembered Voldemort and Brandus coming to wake me up the day before, which meant…

“BRANDUS! It’s 6:20!”

Quoth he, rather irritably, “So?”

“We’re going to be late for work!”

“It’s SUNDAY!”

I’m so confused. Why isn’t it winter break yet?

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