Not Quite Free to Good Home

A while ago, i helped stimulate the economy..and that will NEVER stop sounding dirty to me, really..and bought a new laptop.

Madmartigan was about five years old, and pieces were falling off of him, and the Dark Lord had shown his displeasure with my attention to Mad by ripping multiple keys off the keyboard until I was unable to shift or use the letter A, and I need capital A’s, ok? Plus, the fact was that Dell was having a kick ass sale, and I had money in my savings account and i desperately wanted a new toy.

So, Usagi came to live with me, and she’s very pretty and shiny and green and happy, and I put Madmartigan to the side with the vague idea that I would delete many things and clean him up all spiffy and try and sell him for enough to buy me some ice cream and a new pair of cheap sunglasses, as the child tore the arm off of my old ones.

So, of course, Madmartigan has been silently suffering in the back corner of the side table – the one protected from toddlers made of the blood of their enemies and pure evil. I keep thinking, wow, I should really turn him on and reformat and list him on craigslist and such, but honestly, aside from being furniture now, and therefore completely overlooked, I have no idea how to even type up a listing.

In need of loving home: Dell desktop replacement. Heavy as hell. Answers to Madmartigan. Reformatted, but if you see any episodes of weird Japanese television floating around, please return them to me. You can buy a computer with twice the ram and abilities for $500, but I paid several thousand for him, and he just wants to be loved. Please send family background and a picture of your workspace.

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