A Drop in the Bucket

Lately, Ive been a little money focused – and by “lately,” i mean, “since i was born.” So, I guess it would make more sense to say Ive been MORE money focused lately, due to the move and spending too much money to get stuff like a bed and a tv and a place for the child to actually sleep, instead of the pack and play where we would go in to check on him and find him sprawled out asleep on the fabric covered railings with the too thin mattress folded up over itself shoved into a corner.

Let’s just say the past couple of weeks, especially. have pretty much been the definition of “stress.” And this week has been the definition of the phrase “sucks ass.” Due to an entire story I just dont have the energy to type out, we found out that the NC teacher licensing department hasnt even HEARD of Brandus, much less processed his paperwork and gave him his license.

on top of that, with an even longer story I am not ABOUT to go into, HR at his school district (who, by the way, were supposed to have sent in his license paperwork a good TWO AND A HALF MONTHS AGO) got into a snit about how he answered a question on his application, accused him of lying, and said they would have to talk to their lawyer about the whole situation. and then when he called to find out what the heck was going on with the license paperwork, they told him, good news, we THINK you wont be fired!


oh, and by the way, if he doesnt get his license by October 1st, he’ll be pulling sub pay until he gets it. Which is even more awesome! because he’s already being underpaid until his license gets in! he’s only making what a 1st year teacher with his BS would make, instead of a 3rd year teacher with two Masters should be making.

for those of you keeping score at home, that would mean he’s currently making NEGATIVE $600 EVERY SINGLE MONTH under what he should be being paid.

oh, and please, let me remind you, Im not working a full time job. Im working as a substitute. that would mean that im not bringing in any set amount of money at any set time.


yesterday was a very cranky unhappy day in the Thorenson house, with Brandus and I discussing worse case scenarios if he ended up quitting – as there is NO WAY he’s working a classroom that difficult for sub pay.

And then? I dont know, it’s like the universe decided that it had fucked with us enough. I got THREE job offers today – one a long term sub position, one where Brandus’ principal AND someone else from the district asked if I was still interested in teaching SpEd, because they NEEEED me, and one involving more subbing. And Brandus got a meeting with the principal where she explained how very valuable he was to them, a meeting with an HR person saying not to worry, that he would not be paid at sub pay and he WOULD get paid the correct amount, with back pay and his job is very very safe.

Im very confused. But, Im not arguing. And the very thought of teaching full time as a special ed teacher makes me want to go cry in a corner, so Im taking the long term sub position.

Yeehaw. And pass the backpay.

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