A World of Exhaustion

Im just..tired. Ive been getting to sleep in the past few days, as Brandus has been getting up with the Dark Lord, and Im still completely WIPED OUT. Its not fair.

We took my car in to the body shop, and the damage really isnt that bad. It’s going to cost the semi’s insurance about $2800 to fix my car, plus the cost of replacing the car seat. the BRAND NEW just out of the box before we left GA car seat. the Britax Marathon that I was so excited about. Which now has to be replaced.


Fortunately, the insurance has to cover that too. Now, if i could just get the albee baby website to actually load my shopping cart and let me check out, we would have yet another Marathon on the way.

Other than that, we’re spending entirely too much money on getting stuff we need (ok, so the plasma tv was NOT a need, but i got overruled), stuff Voldemort needs, and a couple of fun things. Like, I have a tomato plant! And a basil plant! And new clothes!

While we were out shopping yesterday, we desperately needed a lunch break. We ended up at Pizza Inn, and omg, it was like being back in college. Right down to the grease, the chocolate chip pizza, and the vending machines full of stickers and temporary tattoos.

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