Stuff and Nonsense

Im playing along in Crunchy Chicken’s Buy Nothing Challange for the whole month of April. Just for fun.

This means, according to the rules:

* No new clothes
* No new gadgets
* No new furniture or housewares
* No salon services
* No makeup
* No tools
* No whatever the hell else people buy

Notice, the no NEW stuff in there. Used is ok, but because we’re also trying to get rid of/sell/ship/pack all of our crap for our upcoming move (OMGSOSOON), Im going to try and avoid buying ANYTHING that isnt a necessity.

Of course, needed things, like food, medicines, etc, those are exempt from the challange. Because eating is important.

Of course, the instant after I commented saying I was going to play along for the entire month of April, I had a sudden wild urge to go buy all kinds of things at amazon. It’s a sickness!

I do think that it will be pretty easy for me. I mean, salon services? Wherefore, exactly, art a salon? Im five hundred miles away from a salon, so needless to say, Im not exactly worried. And makeup? What is this odd thing of which you speak? And I cant buy new clothes or gadgets, because there’s something disappointing about taking away that immediate gratification of buying a new toy and then actually, you know, PLAYING WITH IT. Its just not as much fun when you have to wait for 2 weeks to a month to destroy the new gadget.

Hey, maybe this Alaska move wasn’t that insane!

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