Novemthree and Marlie

I have been getting many many comments still on my post about Novemthree, the little boy who had a giant tumor removed from his face. TLC showed a special, called “Face Eating Tumor” about the surgeries. I didnt find out until a few months ago that the surgeries were a success, but that Novemthree died in September.

The special is amazing, and i encourage you to watch it, as TLC has been replaying it in memory.

However, for those of you who were interested in Novemthree, I direct your attention to 14 year old Marlie(if you are easily grossed out, dont click, there’s a picture), who is suffering from the same sort of tumor.

Only hers is 16 pounds.

Let me repeat that.

A 14 year old girl, who has a sixteen pound tumor.


I hope to hear more about her and her surgery on the news, but if you have a link, please drop it in comments for me. That goes with articles on Novemthree as well, as I only could find one.

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