
Its been a while, boys and girls.

Ive kinda been head down in fandom lately, partially because ive had nothing to say about my real life, as it is generally boring, and partially because, the stuff i HAVE had to say, i havent wanted to. If that makes sense.

But, in a nutshell, my grandma died, shannon had a birthday and i didnt post about it (cause i suck. I love you, Shan!), and ive applied for a new job.

thats really it.

however, im not just going to end this here, because that would be weird, and might make you think i dont love to hear the sound of my own voice..or the look of my own typing?


SO! Instead, forever ago, at some point, Louise sent me some questions for an interview.

For some bizarre reason, i never answered them.

i shall do that now.

1. Do you find a difference in what happens at school nowadays as compared to when you were in school?

GOD YES. although im not teaching anymore, listening to brandus talk about his students helps reminds me. When i was in school, i probably would have fainted dead away if someone had pulled some of the shit that gets pulled nowadays. of course, that could be because im a goodygoody who spent the majority of her time in honor’s classes, so i had NO IDEA what “real” kids did in class. For all i know, there were strippers.

2. What’s the very earliest memory you can think of? How old were you when it took place?

This is a complicated question, because i cant seperate the very early ages very well. So, instead some of my more random memories.

-at one point, i had become very angry with Natalie, the eldest of us. I took my angry little self into her room, wanting to break things. HOWEVER, i didnt actually want anything to break, as i didnt want to get in trouble. So, i very carefully picked up a number of small breakable things and placed them on the floor, surrounded by the heavier things. So it LOOKED like i had knocked a bunch of things over in a fit of rage.

i cant even remember if i left it like that or if picked everything up again in fear. i was a weird kid. i still AM a weird kid. just..bigger.

-i do, in fact, remember the Easy Bake Oven Christmas. I bet my parents STILL regret giving us that thing, as we were all convinced that Santa brought it for ME. things got ugly very quickly.

-“It’ll turn purple and fall off!”

3. If you didn’t HAVE to do anything in order to live in perfect comfort (ie eat, sleep, breathe etc), is there anything you’d still do, just because you like it?

I am overwhelmed between the choice of sleeping and eating. Ben and Jerry’s versus my temperpedic pillow..what to do?

4. What’s your greatest regret?

Oh sure, ask me something EASY. Uh. I guess..one of the things I wish i had done (besides listening to my gut instincts about teaching the first time around) is i wish i hadnt psyched myself out of my first choice college. I loved PC, and im glad i went there, but my original choice for college was Wake Forest. Somehow, between a conversation with my dad about how hard of a school it was, and my interpretation that my SAT scores (1290) werent high enough for the average. I dont know, i just..psyched myself out of it.

There is a part of me that wants to go back and try again, this time going there. Not to mention wondering what a bigger school with more options would have given my “im going to be a TEACHER!” idea.

5. Is there anything about you that people would be totally surprised to learn? Are you secretly an Extreme Kickboxing Champion :D?

I am a NINJA!

No, actually..lets see. Im really a big sap. I am sarcastic as hell, yeah, but inside im made of creamy nougat. Hurt kittens have been known to make me cry. Call me on it and i will hurt you.

Anyone got questions? Comments? Insults?

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