Application Anxiety

Gah. what a week.

We are still not fully moved in, although we are close, and we HAVE to be completely out of the old apartment and have it shiny and sparkly by Saturday.


However, we will soon have cable and internet at the new place, and really..thats pretty much all i need today.

its the little things, you see.

Yesterday was yucky, and i left work at lunchtime, cause i felt awful. Went home and slept for three hours.

then i completed a job application and tried to remember not to panic.

for those who care, this is the job i applied for.

i have no idea if im actually qualified for it, but its in a library!

also am applying to envision, which would mean i would continue to work with people with disabilities, but in a totally different capacity.

im ok with that.

Monday and Tuesday did not go so well. Therapy was Monday, and i got all freaked out about my grant program again.


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