
So ive been thinking, as today is Halloween and all, about hauntings.

ive heard a lot of stories about creepy things, real haunted houses, and seeing ghosts.

ive never seen one.

ive been in the most haunted place in Scotland, done tons of ghost walks and things, and yet, have never experienced one haunting experience. frankly, im disappointed.

ive always had a sneaking suspicion that i repelled all things cool. yes, ladies and gentlemen, i am a psychic barrier.

the closest ive come to something weird happeneing was a ouija board experience at one of the sister’s slumber party..we were in the bathroom (cause where better to summon ghosts, right?), and asked for a sign of a spirit. the candle (on the counter, out of a draft, not close enough to any girl) goes out, screaming ensues and i sleep with my parents for a week.

there were always rumors at my old job, the one the sister and the fiance still work..it used to be a hospital a long time ago, and people have seen all kinds of things.

other than refusing to go into the boys bathroom and the rocking chair catching my eye every once in a while during overnight shifts, i never saw a thing.

and i blame the bathroom thing and the rocking chair thing on people telling me stuff..well, the rocking chair anyway. the bathroom was just creepy. i think it wanted to eat people. some of the boys refused to use it. at all. they would rather wet the bed.

but people have told stories. about their houses, others, night time weirdness…

so my question is: have you ever seen anything? or are you like me, the psychic equivilent of a brick wall?

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