
I have a blog? I’m…blogging? What is this strange thing that is happening?!

Hi. Hello. Much in my life is complicated…or was complicated, but I’m uncomplicating it as much as I can right now.

In August, I adopted foster toddler. She’s adorable. Which is good because she’s two and frequently terribly upset at the unfairness of me who refuses to let her go potty while she’s shrieking “I DON’T WANNA GO POTTY!”

Things didn’t get beyond complicated until other foster moved in. And even then things were fine for almost 8 months. And then foster started actually participating in therapy, and then her trauma starting leaking out all over, which caused some acting out, which caused more acting out, which caused me to stress out, which caused me to disrupt the placement, as she clearly needed more supervision and structure than a full time working single mom of (counting her) 3 could provide.

She moved out a month ago, and since then, I’ve been introverting.

Like, a lot.

I’ve double checked with myself and my good friend who is a school psych, and it’s not depression that’s causing me to want to stay at home and not make plans with people.

I’m not staying in bed or crying in the shower or not eating.

I just..want to be here at home. I want to read, and bake, and cross stitch, and listen to music, and drink hot chocolate.

I’m planning my garden for the spring. I’m organizing my kitchen. I’m watching Voldemort build things and talk nonstop about whatever video game she’s playing. I’m teaching Tiny Toons how to play Memory and dominos.

I’m making rosemary salt, and learning about Back to Eden gardening, and roasting cauliflower in butter.

I’m good. I’m happy. I’m just…introverting for a while.

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