Whine and Cheese Party

I’m tired. I wanna go to bed, but it’s so faaar away – all the way up the stairs. And I have to let the dog out first and then lock the doors, and I can’t remember if I packed up dinner and put it away.

And then I have to wash my face, and that sounds like so much EFFORT it is ridiculous. My neck hurts because I slept the sleep of the dead last night and so didn’t move and my neck is not happy with that type of thing, so I’d have to find the advil and my little magic heating pad isn’t magical anymore and no longer heats, which makes me sad because my neeeeeeeck.

I have to go potty, but that’s upstairs too, so if I’m going upstairs to pee, I might as well go on to bed, but the STAIRS and the DOG and the ADVIL and it’s all just too much and I’m so enjoying being overdramatic, I can’t even explain.

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