
Currently, Denver is under a Blizzard Warning.

This is new for me.

Sure, I live in Colorado, it snows, I get it – I don’t LIKE it, but I get it. But I don’t remember ever being under anything more than a Winter Storm Warning.

It’s coming down in big flakes already, and some schools are already on a one hour delay.

Voldemort was so excited at the thought of snow. So much snow!

So on the bedroom floor, Voldemort has spread out clothing for tomorrow – all laid out like a person.

PJ pants and jeans with a long sleeved shirt and jacket – arms spread wide like Flat Stanley. Plus a hat at the very top, and one glove on each side neatly matched up to the wrists of the sleeves.

“Whether we have school or not – I’m ready!”

Good to know, kiddo. But I’M not. The idea of having to dig out my car and drive 35 minutes on the highways surrounded by crazy people does not fill me with any sort of joy.

Maybe I should take a page out of the kid’s book and be ready for whatever.

…But I’m not running around the house in my underpants like the kid does.

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