Scary Kitty!

The new kitty (who is really not that new. 3 months, i think), managed to get herself into a pickle last night.

brandon was looking through one of the bottom cabinets, i was online talking to krispy, and i hear him “dont move!! oh no!”

i leap up.

Fizz had crawled into the cabinet when he had opened it. couldnt find her way back to the door when it closed, so she tried to squeeze herself through a very small opening underneath the cabinet.

she got herself stuck.

which happens. after all, una (my other cat) managed to get herself stuck in the ceiling when we first moved into this place. she was up there for hours. but she was just scared, she could actually get out by herself.

the kitten couldnt. Fizz had squeezed her head through, but couldnt get her shoulders. and the opening was very small. so she couldnt breathe very well.

she made little miserable noises for about 15 minutes, while i frantically looked for a hammer and a flat head screwdriver, and brandus tried to get her out.

the kittens fine, just dirty. but im not sure the cabinet will ever recover.

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