Feminism Friday: Only Fifteen

Ah, Taylor Swift. Pretty much all of her music ends up somewhere on the “problematic to feminism” list, but this one, imo, takes the absolute cake.

“Fifteen” starts off ok: all about starting high school and being naive, making a new best friend named Abigail, going on a first date and getting a first kiss, which is fine so far. It isn’t until about half way through that the whole thing goes sideways.

See, Taylor, or whoever the narrator – she has bigger dreams. But Abigail?

Poor Abigail. See, she gives “everything she has to a boy who changed his mind.” Because you know, when you’re fifteen and somebody tells you he loves you, you’re going to believe him.

Where do I even start with this?

For one, “everything she has,” regarding Abigail, ain’t talking about her savings account. It’s talking about her VIRGINITY. See, that’s all she has. So now she has nothing now that she’s had SEX!

However, I’m going to give Taylor Swift some credit here. Because of this:

So, finally:

Pros: At least she’s figured out what feminism is now.

Cons: Abigail is now worth NOTHING.

Final Grade: D (bonus points given for Taylor’s current acceptance of what feminism is, otherwise I would have failed it automatically based on that one line)

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